Does your grandma watch soft core porn?

Two nights ago, my family got together for dinner. It was 2 hours of loud alcohol stimulated rambling about nonsense, when suddenly my 68-year-old grandma blurts out has anyone seen Orange Is the New Black? We all look at each other thinking WTF grandma why do you even know what that show is. After about a minute of silence we all start screaming once again “of course we have seen it” while my brother repeatedly says how hot he thinks Ruby Rose is, and that he loves the show because of the naked girls going down on each other and what not. I guess I see where he was coming from I remember being a ball of raging hormones once upon a time.

While we are on the topic of girls going down on each other, lets give a huge shout out to the supreme court for ruling in favor of same-sex marriage in all 50 states! It’s about damn time! Anyway, back to dinner. We finally realized that she just got Netflix at her apartment and has been binge watching the show for the past week. LOL My grandma starts telling us how much she loves V and loves Red. I’m not sure if she likes them as characters or because she can relate better to them because of their age but that’s neither here nor there. She then starts ranting on how much she hates Alex and that her glasses don’t look real at all. Well Grandma that’s because it’s a TV show and the glasses are fake. This conversation went on for a good 30 minutes before my dad brought up a video of an Asian man putting fire ants in his speedo. I’m not quite sure how he came across the video but it’s actually quite hilarious. Overall, I love my family (especially you grandma) and I really love having family dinners just because you never know what to expect. By the way here is the link to the man with ants in his pants I recommend watching it. Enjoy!

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